For Practitioners

Consulting about work with fat therapy participants.
Not every therapist is an expert in fatness. The dynamics of fat-phobia, anti-fatness, and the systems of oppression that hold them in place are so entrenched in our society that they can be invisible to folks who are not fat.
It’s normal to need some help making the invisible visible both for yourself and for your participants. It’s normal to struggle to provide affirming care in a society that tells us that what fat people really need is to lose weight.
Let me help.
Whether it’s guidance on work with specific participants or a desire to learn more about working with fat folks in general I can provide insight and suggestions to make your work with fat participants stronger.
If interested, email me at meg@fatqueertherapist.com.
Website Tune-Up
Your website is decent, or even good, but it isn’t GREAT. Your copy is a little sloppy and you are unsure if everything on your website is user friendly. You don’t want to pay for a big overhaul with a web designer but you are nervous about going it alone.
I can help! I offer a website tune-up service to help you polish things up and make your website the best it can be.
For $100 I will spend 15 minutes looking at your site and coming up with suggestions.
We will meet for 30 minutes to discuss my thoughts and your questions or struggles.
After you make changes I am happy to look at your site again and offer any suggestions via email.
More than one follow up will cost $25 for every 15 minutes I spend on your site.
Take your website from good enough to fantastic with a Website Tune-Up!
If interested, send me an email! meg@fatqueertherapist.com.